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Black Ops Annihilation

This time GameStop have leaked Treyarch's secret, and that is the third downloadable map pack for Black Ops called Annihilation. A user on Twitter named @iamreloading has been touting the above image around which apparantly confirms not only that there will be another map pack for Black Ops, but also the names of four of the five maps in the DLC.
Presumably a GameStop employee took a quick picture with his cell phone – which would explain the blurry shot – for some reason leaving half of the poster out of view. So, unfortunately the image doesn’t confirm the name of the map pack or a release date, but rumor has it that it’ll be called Annihilation and be released on June 28th – which seems rather soon.
The names of the maps in map pack 3 are Hanger 18, Hazard, Drive-in and Silo, while the new Zombies map is not quite readable from the out-of-focus shot.
The image could well be a fake but one of the maps, Silo, has been spotted amongst Black Ops’ coding already. So, keep your eyes and ears peeled for a possible Black Ops Map Pack 3 announcement in the near future.

6 Responses so far.

  1. Looks good dude...... im retaliating..... btw i love the modern warfare 3 newsees lol

  2. how come you guys know all this.... appreciate it

  3. HMMMM THINKING OF BUYING IT..... IF ONLY IT WAS BETTER QUALITY.... i cant be bothered buying a new map pack though... the others havnt been special apart from hotels sniper regions


  5. you guys are awesome

  6. tatee

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Black Ops Annihilation

This time GameStop have leaked Treyarch's secret, and that is the third downloadable map pack for Black Ops called Annihilation. A user on Twitter named @iamreloading has been touting the above image around which apparantly confirms not only that there will be another map pack for Black Ops, but also the names of four of the five maps in the DLC.
Presumably a GameStop employee took a quick picture with his cell phone – which would explain the blurry shot – for some reason leaving half of the poster out of view. So, unfortunately the image doesn’t confirm the name of the map pack or a release date, but rumor has it that it’ll be called Annihilation and be released on June 28th – which seems rather soon.
The names of the maps in map pack 3 are Hanger 18, Hazard, Drive-in and Silo, while the new Zombies map is not quite readable from the out-of-focus shot.
The image could well be a fake but one of the maps, Silo, has been spotted amongst Black Ops’ coding already. So, keep your eyes and ears peeled for a possible Black Ops Map Pack 3 announcement in the near future.