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Black Ops News|Call of Duty Hacks|Black Ops Rezzurection|Modern Warfare 3|Modern Warfare 3 Wii

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I guess it was out a while ago but i saw it 2 days ago and i donwloaded it for no reason. So if your still thinking of buying Modern Warfare 2, you could try out the demo. It would be on Xbox live or Playstation Network. The demo gives a chance to the players to take part in the cliffanger mission, and we all know how much cliffhanger hyped Modern Warfare 2. So if your still thinking of buying Modern Warfare 2 then you can download it for free.

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I guess it was out a while ago but i saw it 2 days ago and i donwloaded it for no reason. So if your still thinking of buying Modern Warfare 2, you could try out the demo. It would be on Xbox live or Playstation Network. The demo gives a chance to the players to take part in the cliffanger mission, and we all know how much cliffhanger hyped Modern Warfare 2. So if your still thinking of buying Modern Warfare 2 then you can download it for free.