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Alot of people have been inboxing me on youtube and have been emailing if I recommend Kontrol Freek: FPS Freeks or joystick extenders, here is my reply: These joystick accessories will improve your game. I will now explain why these magical joystick extenders improve your game: You have less sensitivity which gives you more precision and accuracy, which makes you win in most one on one gunfights. Most people reccomend Kontrol Freeks but to me they all look like the same. Many 'Pro-Gamers' Recommend Kontrol Freeks. These reduce your reaction time which make you snap on to your opponent before your opponent snaps on you, i have also observed that it is easier to master recoil with these. Even when you spray, your sights dont go off-target. I brought the 'FPS Freek: Prestige', they do cost a bit more that the other ones but the other ones have the white grips which dont blend in with my black controllers. These are great for Sniping and running and gunning.

You can purchase kontrol freeks from their website, click here.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Nice writeup. I'll check it out

  2. Looks like pretty sick controllers, I'll check them out!

  3. Yeah these things are pretty good, especially if you snipe alot.

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Alot of people have been inboxing me on youtube and have been emailing if I recommend Kontrol Freek: FPS Freeks or joystick extenders, here is my reply: These joystick accessories will improve your game. I will now explain why these magical joystick extenders improve your game: You have less sensitivity which gives you more precision and accuracy, which makes you win in most one on one gunfights. Most people reccomend Kontrol Freeks but to me they all look like the same. Many 'Pro-Gamers' Recommend Kontrol Freeks. These reduce your reaction time which make you snap on to your opponent before your opponent snaps on you, i have also observed that it is easier to master recoil with these. Even when you spray, your sights dont go off-target. I brought the 'FPS Freek: Prestige', they do cost a bit more that the other ones but the other ones have the white grips which dont blend in with my black controllers. These are great for Sniping and running and gunning.

You can purchase kontrol freeks from their website, click here.