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One of the most intense matchups possible, Domination on Kowloon rewards the team that can best coordinate their tactics and balance objective play. Pouring rain, obstructed views, and snaking walkways force players to pique their attention and watch for attack from every angle.
Success relies on many factors. Through experience you’ll discover the nuances for turning the tides in your favor. At Domination’s core, however, proper flag capture and defense is the most important ability to perfect.

Flag A
Origin for the Spetsnaz, the A flag is surrounded two major thoroughfares coming from C3/4 and D2/3.
The alleyways running along C-E4 allow a less visible approach, but you might want to consider equipping a Hacker loadout to spot defensive equipment, most notably Claymores. While many players use the primary D4 path to rush the flag, you’re leaving yourself open to attack from long-range defenders. Sneaking in from the edge lets you get behind the flag, giving you an upper handed flanking position as well as the ability to surprise any defenders holed up in the rear E4 building.
When approaching from mid-map, use the zip line from the C3 building for quick access to D3(after clearing the LZ!). Hug the walls, all buildings, watch your corners, and when all is clear crawl up to the flag’s edge to start claiming ownership without leaving yourself open to attack.
There are several strong defensive positions in the area. The E4 ladder leads to an advantageous overlook – just keep an eye out for enemies approaching from D2 and the zipline. The rear E3 building lets you crouch for extra cover while keeping tabs on activity in C-D4.
Use the room you have to move around and cover routes on all sides. Expect enemies to try and flank you, using any cover available while advancing with explosives and rush tactics. Consider Lightweight to cover ground more quickly and flank enemies that spot you from afar.
Flag B
An eternally contested hot zone, the B flag presents the highest level of danger and promises continuous battle for mid-map supremacy. Capturing and maintaining control often leads to high casualties for both teams.
Situated between entry points on all sides, your biggest concern when approaching B is at what angle the enemy might be located. Call in a Spy Plane or plant a Motion Sensor to mark enemy positions, or lay down a Napalm Strike to clear the area and give your teammates time to rush in and set up a defensive position.
Always lead with grenades and then rush forward to finish the job and claim the territory. A Willy Pete can be used to great effect once the immediate area is clear, reducing the chance of long-range attack taking you out before the flag is yours.
Expect a slurry of incoming grenades. Increase your survivability by creating a defensive class with Flak Jacket/Tactical Mask, especially if you plan on holing up in a nearby building. Use Claymores, Jammers, and Tactical Insertion to disrupt enemy movement and retain zone proximity.
Take advantage of C3′s upper ledge to fire down on enemies that breach your defensives and get to the flag. The more spread out you are and the tighter your stranglehold, the better your chances of keeping those points rolling in.
Flag C
Origin for the Black Ops team, the C flag is situated along the B route, just begging to be flanked.
If possible, grab a teammate and simultaneously attack from B2 and B3. Defenders often spread to the wings and watch for attackers moving in, so don’t wait to reach the end before putting up your guard. The B1 building provides cover and a strong second story overview of the area before running in for the cap. When approaching from the other side of the map, the outer walkway leading into B3 offers a sneaky approach from the side.
Expect a lot of players to utilize the second floor B1 railing cover. You can often surprise these players by positioning into the A route, as they typically look straight over the flag. A well-placed Claymore at the B3 entry can block off a single attack from the building there, giving you time to scale the ladder in A2 and perch up high for a better view of the battlefield.
Learning the Map
At first a seemingly never ending maze, Kowloon’s design becomes more apparent over multiple playthroughs, and map knowledge opens up a lot of possibilities when moving around and looking for the best route. Once you’ve attained familiarity with the environment, it’s only a matter of time before you’re a Domination wrecking force.

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One of the most intense matchups possible, Domination on Kowloon rewards the team that can best coordinate their tactics and balance objective play. Pouring rain, obstructed views, and snaking walkways force players to pique their attention and watch for attack from every angle.
Success relies on many factors. Through experience you’ll discover the nuances for turning the tides in your favor. At Domination’s core, however, proper flag capture and defense is the most important ability to perfect.

Flag A
Origin for the Spetsnaz, the A flag is surrounded two major thoroughfares coming from C3/4 and D2/3.
The alleyways running along C-E4 allow a less visible approach, but you might want to consider equipping a Hacker loadout to spot defensive equipment, most notably Claymores. While many players use the primary D4 path to rush the flag, you’re leaving yourself open to attack from long-range defenders. Sneaking in from the edge lets you get behind the flag, giving you an upper handed flanking position as well as the ability to surprise any defenders holed up in the rear E4 building.
When approaching from mid-map, use the zip line from the C3 building for quick access to D3(after clearing the LZ!). Hug the walls, all buildings, watch your corners, and when all is clear crawl up to the flag’s edge to start claiming ownership without leaving yourself open to attack.
There are several strong defensive positions in the area. The E4 ladder leads to an advantageous overlook – just keep an eye out for enemies approaching from D2 and the zipline. The rear E3 building lets you crouch for extra cover while keeping tabs on activity in C-D4.
Use the room you have to move around and cover routes on all sides. Expect enemies to try and flank you, using any cover available while advancing with explosives and rush tactics. Consider Lightweight to cover ground more quickly and flank enemies that spot you from afar.
Flag B
An eternally contested hot zone, the B flag presents the highest level of danger and promises continuous battle for mid-map supremacy. Capturing and maintaining control often leads to high casualties for both teams.
Situated between entry points on all sides, your biggest concern when approaching B is at what angle the enemy might be located. Call in a Spy Plane or plant a Motion Sensor to mark enemy positions, or lay down a Napalm Strike to clear the area and give your teammates time to rush in and set up a defensive position.
Always lead with grenades and then rush forward to finish the job and claim the territory. A Willy Pete can be used to great effect once the immediate area is clear, reducing the chance of long-range attack taking you out before the flag is yours.
Expect a slurry of incoming grenades. Increase your survivability by creating a defensive class with Flak Jacket/Tactical Mask, especially if you plan on holing up in a nearby building. Use Claymores, Jammers, and Tactical Insertion to disrupt enemy movement and retain zone proximity.
Take advantage of C3′s upper ledge to fire down on enemies that breach your defensives and get to the flag. The more spread out you are and the tighter your stranglehold, the better your chances of keeping those points rolling in.
Flag C
Origin for the Black Ops team, the C flag is situated along the B route, just begging to be flanked.
If possible, grab a teammate and simultaneously attack from B2 and B3. Defenders often spread to the wings and watch for attackers moving in, so don’t wait to reach the end before putting up your guard. The B1 building provides cover and a strong second story overview of the area before running in for the cap. When approaching from the other side of the map, the outer walkway leading into B3 offers a sneaky approach from the side.
Expect a lot of players to utilize the second floor B1 railing cover. You can often surprise these players by positioning into the A route, as they typically look straight over the flag. A well-placed Claymore at the B3 entry can block off a single attack from the building there, giving you time to scale the ladder in A2 and perch up high for a better view of the battlefield.
Learning the Map
At first a seemingly never ending maze, Kowloon’s design becomes more apparent over multiple playthroughs, and map knowledge opens up a lot of possibilities when moving around and looking for the best route. Once you’ve attained familiarity with the environment, it’s only a matter of time before you’re a Domination wrecking force.